Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Promise

Those two words that we all long to hear although we may not think it at times. "I Promise" it seems with a promise everything is gonna be alright. Its the trust of the person saying them. A promise can give security, its a safety net of comfort. What about a broken promise? How do you heal from something like that? where does the trust go? What about the pain and hurt from it? Do some promises hurt more than others? How about when you're a kid and "i promise not to tell who you like", or what about when you're in love and " i promise not to break your heart?" there are many levels of pain we go through from other's words. They can give so much and take it all away again. Somethings can be promised such as " i promise not to tell" others like "i promise not to break your heart" cannot. Its intersting too. When a promise involves another person, you give them the power to break it, but trust that they don't. When you're young and everything seems to come easily with so many things, you make the promises that you know you will keep. I have to be honest, I've made so many promises, 95% i've kept. I've broken a few, but not on my own will. Like i said when a promise involves another person, it can't be 100%. People are forever changing, which includes their words. God will never break a promise to you. Think about it, He is not changing. God keeps His word. So follow in His likeness and don't make promises you can't keep.