Friday, January 30, 2009


So secrets don't make friends? Well I think secrets keep friends. If you have someones trust would you want them to tell you someone elses personal secrets? I'm here to tell you not to pressure people who don't feel like telling you everything. Would you tell someone your deepest secrets and than have them go tell someone about it and ask them to promise not to tell and than they do it anyway. Be very careful who you trust. And make sure you yourself are a trustworthy person. Put yourself in their place..... think about it. No one deserves to be betrayed. So don't do it. Keep your secrets and the secrets of others. People who pressure you to answer should not and remember you never have to tell anyone ever. Have you ever had someone betray you? Do you not what its like to be backstabbed? Even by someone you loved? Can you imagine? Its too hard to live with, you can't look at anyone in the face. Keep your head down...... Nobody knows whats in your heart. Who do you tell your secrets to? Who do you trust? Now I'm not saying not to trust people because its not good to keep everything bottled up inside. Its so hard to trust people with things that mean so much to you and to have them not care at all. You know deep down inside you would feel so much better if you could tell someone about stuff that goes on in your life that you don't want published all over the world. Have trust........ find trust.............. and most importantly............. keep it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

People want somebody else

Do you ever feel like you are not who you feel like inside because everyone thinks you are somebody else? Do you know who you want to be but everyone seeks you to be who you are not? Are you trying to find yourself? Can you be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel totally alone? Am I the only one the feels this way? My parents want me to live like they wanted to and chase the dreams they had. But I want to live my life and I have my own dreams! I want to be free, run away from the people that hurt me. I want to make my own decisions my own mistakes and live my own life. Why can't I? Well I'm going to, its my life and I want to feel the rain washing over me. I want to help people find themselves; but how can I, if I can't find myself? Who am I? I want to be the girl who cares, helps, protects, and loves people. I don't want to be afraid of people or what they may think about me. I wan to live like everyone should to make the pain go away and let everyone know they are loved. Help someone find themselves, you will feel better and that one person you helped could save thousands of lives. Be the person you want to find. Be the change you want to see. Don't let anyone stop you from living your dream! Its your turn now, you're ready. The time has come when we all need to take a stand for what we believe, what we want, and who we love. Don't let your life pass you by, because you will have to see what you did for the rest of eternity. Live. Laugh. Love. And above all be happy and be yourself because no one else can do what you are called to do.